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art templates blog
Jumat, 24 September 2010
Minggu, 19 September 2010
Wet 'n' Wild
I got back from Fame Festival in Southern Italy last week, after spending a few days making installations around the city. I made six in all, including a few that used miniature speakers and mp3 players to add sound. The one above had a speaker hidden in the drain that played sounds of screaming kids and splashing - check out the video below. I will be posting more soon, including a video showing the reactions of Grottaglie's residents to one of the sound installations. I will also be releasing a mini print from the festival in a week or so. In the mean time, check out more work from the festival here - as usual a bunch of great artists including Swoon, Blu and Boris Hoppek. The Fame Festival show opens it's doors on the 25th September.
Labels : art paint free wallpapers supercar wallpapers Exotic art templates blog